Conversion “Trophy Look” Brake Calipers
Here’s described the conversion of the “Trophy Look” brake calipers. For an even better result in execution and end result, it was especially paid attention to some details.

The brake calipers and the old brake discs of the front axle were removed.

On the rear axle also.

Again ready for Installation.

On the rear axle also.

The new “Trophy” brake discs were installed on the front axle immediately.

On the rear axle also.

The front brake calipers were cleaned and blasted.

The view from the inside.

The rear brake calipers also.

Also the rear caliper holder.

The front brake calipers came back from the gray powder.

The rear brake calipers also. The old bleed screws were screwed in to close the holes. They were replaced by new ones at the end.

Also the rear caliper holders.

The Trophy letterings are printed with screen-printing in orange.

After print the Trophy lettering, the brake calipers went back to the paint shop. There, they were additionally powdered transparent, to protect better the lettering.

Back from the powder, the brake calipers were mounted with new brake pads and bleed screws, and the brake system was vented. Done.

Detailed view front axle.

Detailed view rear axle.