Conversion PK6 012 To PK6 017 Gearbox With Quaife ATB Limited Slip Differential QDF10M
Here’s described the installation of the gearbox from PK6 012 ratios from the Renault Sport Clio V6 Phase 1 to the PK6 017 ratios from the Phase 2, including the installation of a Quaife ATB Limited Slip Differential QDF10M. For an even better result in execution and end result, it was especially paid attention to some details.
On behalf of RS Center was developed the ATB Limited Slip Differential for the Renault Sport Clio V6 / PK6 gearbox, which has been freely available since then at Quaife. Because the PK6 017 gearbox was purchased as used for this conversion and the running performance was higher than the existing PK6 012 gearbox, the original gearbox was retained and equipped with only the necessary PK6 017 insides and the Quaife ATB Limited Slip Differential QDF10M.

The conversion starts. First, all engine linings removed.

The engine support mounted.

All necessary removed from the top: Shifter cables, electric cables, gearbox holders, clutch cable, connecting bolts motor / gearbox.

From below also: Rear axle, transmission oil drained, axle shafts, connecting bolts motor / gearbox.

The gearbox is ready for removal.

And already out.

Ready to disassemble.

Various new parts, the PK6 017 ratios and the Quaife ATB Limited Slip Differential QDF10M are ready for installation.

New bearings for the PK6 017 PhII primary shaft.

Pressing the taper roller bearing.

Pressing the taper roller bearing.

The primary shaft with the new taper roller bearing.

New bearings for the PK6 017 PhII secondary shaft 1.

Pressing the taper roller bearing.

Pressing the taper roller bearing.

The secondary shaft 1 with the new taper roller bearing.

New bearings for the PK6 017 PhII secondary shaft 2.

Pressing the taper roller bearing.

Pressing the taper roller bearing.

The secondary shaft 2 with the new taper roller bearing.

The Quaife ATB Limited Slip Differential QDF10M for the PK6 Gearbox.

New taper roller bearings for the Quaife ATB Limited Slip Differential QDF10M.

Pressing the taper roller bearing.

Pressing the taper roller bearing.

The Quaife ATB limited Slip Differential QDF10M with the new taper roller bearings.

Die PK6017 overall ratio.

The PK6 017 ring gear is ready for assembly.

Mount the PK6 017 ring gear.

All new inner parts ready for mounting.

The PK6 012 PhI gearbox mounted on the gearbox support, and removed the externally attached parts.

Opened the gearbox.

Opened the gearbox.

Removed the inner parts.

And cleaned.

Replaced the clutch bearing and shaft seals.

The gearbox housing cleaned.

The new shaft seal rings are pressed in.

The new clutch bearing has been installed.

First, the Quaife ATB Limited Slip Differential QDF10M was mounted.

Then the primary shaft.

Thereafter, the secondary shaft 2 was mounted with the shifting forks.

This was followed by the secondary shaft 1 with the associated shifting forks.

The shifter shaft was replaced.

The sealant was applied.

The gearbox housing were mounted.

And the external parts were mounted.

The gearbox identification changed from PK6 012…

…to PK6 017 & Q (Q for Quaife).

The gearbox is ready to mount.

All mounted from above.

Also the air filter and intake hose.

After installing the axle shafts, the gear oil could be filled in.

The Quaife ATB Limited Slip differentials always tolerate the standard transmission oil of the car.

The rear axle was mounted almost to the end.

All self-locking nuts were replaced.

Also the nuts of the axle shaft.

The clutch system was deaerated.

The clutch system was deaerated.


Don’t forget to fill the Quaife lifetime warranty card, and send it to Quaife.